Tuesday 26 November 2013

More Architectural and Urban artwork

This piece is a pen drawing of a gate way to the local church. It has architectural significance to my village as it was built after WW1, in remembrance of those who died. I used pen in order to capture the different textures such as the wood and stone. 
This is a pencil study of the inside of the Cardiff arcade, which are the most famous arcades in Britain. I used coloured pencils to highlight the vivid colours inside these arcades, like the contrasting red and green walls. 
This is a pencil study of a famous Welsh landmark, the Millennium Centre, which has a distinct curved shape. The whole building is made from welsh materials. I used pencil here to focus on the materials of the building, such as the shiny metal used on the main body, as well as to show the detail of the building.

Friday 8 November 2013

A building I'd like to Visit

This is a pencil study of the building I'd like to experience, which is in the Forbidden City. This is the 'Hall of The Supreme Harmony'.

Sketches at a cityscape

This is a sketch of the Gherkin and the church in front (St. Mary's Axe). This perspective is unusual, but emphasises the gigantic size of this building. It shows how the people in the buildings in the foreground view this landmark. The diamond windows on the church mirror the diamond shapes on the Gherkin. It is a perfect fusion of the old and new.
This is a quick sketch of a city scale in New York using pen. It is a rough response which captures the shapes and dimensions of the buildings.


The Architecture course at MSA is very appealing, especially as a result of the wide variety of skills developed during the course, such as visual and computing skills. In addition to providing the perfect foundation to become a professional architect, it also develops skills for a broad range of careers. I am particularly interested in MSA’s extensive research into architecture, as it allows both practical and theoretical thinking throughout the course. The large studio space and the university’s central location is an attractive aspect of this course, I especially like the city’s blend of Victorian buildings and modern day architecture; the liveliness of the city would make it an exciting place to learn.

Although there are many inspirational and imaginative architects in the world, I am most fond of the work of Richard Rogers. I particularly like his running theme of the ‘inside-out’ buildings, which leaves the interior uncluttered. I have visited many of his buildings such as the Pompidou Centre, 88 Wood Street and the Lloyds of London Building. Richard Rogers also designed the Welsh Assembly (the Senedd). The Senedd is a local building in Cardiff, which has helped to define the Cardiff Bay skyline. He has incorporated environmental features into this design by using local Welsh materials and renewable technologies. Although some of his work is controversial, his work never fails to have a great impact on its surrounding environment and the viewer; his work has revolutionised architecture.

An exhibition I  visited recently was by artist, Ron Mueck in Paris. It was unusual yet inspirational. It included human sculptures made of silicone, which were extremely realistic. Although there were a limited number of pieces, each one was impressive. One piece which caught my eye was a sculpture of an old man and woman at the beach. The figures were very lifelike; the artist went to the extent of adding body hair. What made this distinct was its colossal size. This impressive sculpture towered over its observer, and allowed one to appreciate the sheer amount of work needed to create it. 

There are  many architectural wonders in the world, but the one  I would like to experience is The Forbidden City. I am fascinated by this traditional Chinese heritage site, especially the building ‘The Hall of Supreme Harmony’. The roof top of the Hall of Supreme Harmony is embellished with intricate, symbolic statues, which capture the essence of the detail typical of ancient Chinese architecture. This building is an example of the best-preserved, traditional Chinese buildings seen today. It is an architectural masterpiece, the cultural and historical importance of which enthrals me.

Silk Painting

This is a silk painting of a forest. I chose to paint on silk as it gives the surface a softer finish, which results in a satiny finish.

Life Drawing

This is an hour sketch using charcoal; although unfinished, it has a delicate nature which captures the essence of the person's body.


This is an acrylic study in a more impressionistic style. I tried to capture the light coming through the trees by using vivid greens and yellows, which contrasts with the pinks in the soil.
This is an acrylic painting of a post box. This is my village post box, which is now used as a local library. I decided to paint it as it is the only communal place in the entire village, so is therefore a significant part of my neighbourhood.  


This collage is of a ballerina using tissue paper and card. Although this piece is made up of basic shapes and bold colours, it emphasises the delicate nature of the ballerina.

Pen Study

This is a pen study of an insect coming out of its cocoon, which is in the style of pointillism. The pointillism technique allowed me to capture the detail of this insect as well has the texture of the exoskeleton.

Thursday 7 November 2013


The first interior is a quick charcoal sketch of my bedroom.
This interior is of my hall, but mainly focusses on the piano. I used charcoal to create a blurry sensation in the background. I wanted to capture the essence of the piano's surroundings without taking too much attention away from the piano itself.


This is a pen study of a landscape, which is local to me.